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Członkowie Izby z powiatów opatowskiego i ostrowieckiego! Spotkanie integracyjno-szkoleniowe 18 września. Świętokrzyska Izba zaprasza Koleżanki i Kolegów z powiatów opatowskiego i ostrowieckiego na atrakcyjne spotkanie integracyjno-szkoleniowe. 18 września , w piątek o godz. 00 w sali Hotelu Accademia, ul. 3 maja 13 w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim.
Just another brick in the wall. All and all your just another brick in the wall. A hour and a half till the meeting. Sound of coffee being made. Well I said I was going to start writing in this thing so I am going to stick to my word. I really do not have much to say haha. Lets see what have I been up to this week? Not to much really. Sunday- I ended up working for a few hours then did some homework. yeah it was pretty lame I guess.
Theres a fire in your eyes and i hope you let it burn. You would kill for this, just a little bit. My supervisor gave me a full time intern. I already feel like I can breathe. Thrilled that we get to work together! Love always, Melissa. She gets the job done. She has a great sense of humor.
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